Friday, May 15, 2009

Clooney Tunes Prelims

Basic set concept for your consideration:
[Click for a larger image]
Band split onto raised stationary upstage left and right platforms. 

Upstage I am thinking neutral drapes for lighting in different colour washes. they will cover a false studio back wall with large doors, that open to reveal Vermont in December.

Centre platform is actually two truck units that can be split into different configurations for different songs. 
Arches are steel frames that can be lit or silhouetted as needed. 

Plan view:

Possible riser configurations 1:
A. complete,  B. Moved downstage to allow entrances each side,  C. Split for centre aisle

Possible riser configurations 2:
D. Parted to maximum width,  E. Inverted aisle,  F. Reversed to act as the prow of a ship.


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